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  • 5 minutes
  • 17/11/2021

Alun Griffiths: Welsh Culture and Language Award: Social Value for Future Generations

Winning entry from Alun Griffiths for the Welsh Culture and Language Award at the Social Value for Future Generations Awards in Wales 2021.


In March 2021, as part of Griffiths’ ongoing commitment to promote the use of the Welsh Language in the workplace, the Company relaunched an initiative, originally launched at the
2017 National Eisteddfod, to display the orange ‘Iaith Gwaith’ logo on the hard hats of our Welsh-speaking staff.

Following an appeal for Welsh-speaking staff to provide support and guidance regarding the appropriate use of the Welsh Language, the Welsh Language Champions Staff Focus Group was formed. The group immediately identified one of their key objectives as meeting the aims of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and in particular the ‘Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language’ wellbeing goal. They were keen to promote the use of the logo on hard hats again, with the relaunch taking place on Monday, 1st March, St David’s Day.

They also promoted the use of the ‘Iaith Gwaith’ logo on the email signatures of all Welsh-speaking staff, inviting correspondence in either Welsh or English. The ‘Iaith Gwaith’ logo, developed by the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Office, is widely recognised as indicating that an individual speaks Welsh and is seen as a simple way to encourage the use of Welsh not only in the workplace but also in the communities in which we work, when dealing with members of the public affected by our work.

The relaunch of the hard hat ‘Iaith Gwaith’ stickers took place on St Davids Day and was promoted across the Company using the Intranet and Business updates. The initiative was also shared on our social media channels, using individual staff case studies detailing how they used the Welsh language in the workplace, with colleagues, local residents, stakeholders, supply chain partners and clients. The role of the Welsh Language Champions Focus Group was also communicated in an effort to promote the use of the language, develop our Welsh Language Promotion Plan and deliver a consistent approach to the use of the Welsh language across the business. Our ‘Welsh Language Champions’ provide support and guidance regarding the appropriate use of the Welsh Language, promote and encourage other members of their teams to use the language and help to share our efforts through case studies, news stories and social media. This initiative is ongoing and will the ‘Iaith Gwaith’ helmet stickers will be promoted each St Davids Day.


As the first Construction company in Wales to use the ‘Iaith Gwaith’ logo as stickers on the helmets of our staff, we are actively increasing opportunities to use the Welsh Language. We are giving those who live and are employed in the communities in which we work an opportunity to communicate Welsh. We continued with this commitment when we were the first Construction company to sign up to the Welsh Language Commissioners Welsh Language Promotion Plan.
Our Welsh Language Champions ensure the correct and consistent use of the Language across the business, promoting and encouraging the use of email signature icon’s inviting correspondence in Welsh or English and have even developed Welsh Language helmet stickers for our Mental Health First Aiders.

Promoting the key objectives of the aims of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, and in particular the ‘Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language’ wellbeing goal has become the main focus for the Welsh Language Champions and this is evident in the contact group members receive from their colleagues, requesting support, reviewing translations and acknowledging the need to provide bilingual signage, documentation and correspondence. Being successful in winning this Award would be an external acknowledgement for the Group members, who promote the Welsh Language Champions Group in addition to their normal day to day role.

Submission from

Mandy Evans, Community Liaison Officer, Alun Griffiths Ltd

Judging comments by Prys Jenkins

❝Enillydd Gwobr Diwylliant ac Iaith Cymru yw …… ..Alun Griffiths (Contractwyr) Cyf am arwain y ffordd wrth fynd ati i hyrwyddo’r defnydd o’r Iaith Gymraeg yn y Diwydiant Adeiladu. Yn 2021, ail-lansiodd Alun Griffiths logo “Iaith Gwaith” ar hetiau caled i holl staff Cymraeg eu hiaith. Wrth sefydlu Grŵp Ffocws Staff Hyrwyddwyr yr Iaith Gymraeg, mae Alun Griffiths wedi canolbwyntio ar gyflawni yn erbyn amcanion  Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol, ac yn benodol nod lles “Cymru a Diwylliant Bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu”.

Mae Alun Griffiths wedi arwain y ffordd yn y Diwydiant Adeiladu yng Nghymru trwy fod:

  • Y cwmni adeiladu cyntaf yng Nghymru i ddefnyddio’r logo “iaith gwaith” ar eu hetiau caled i hyrwyddo’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg
  • Y cwmni adeiladu cyntaf yng Nghymru i fabwysiadu Cynllun Hyrwyddo Iaith Cymraeg y Comisiynwyr Cymraeg.
  • Sefydlu Grŵp Hyrwyddwyr Cymraeg

Yr ymrwymiad hwn i’r Gymraeg yw pam ein bod yn falch o gyflwyno’r wobr hon i Mandy Evans o Alun Griffiths (Contractwyr) Cyf

The winner of the Welsh Culture and Language Award is ……..Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd for leading the way in actively promoting the use of the Welsh Language in the Construction Industry.  In 2021, Alun Griffiths relaunched the “Iaith Gwaith” logo on the hard hats of all Welsh speaking staff. On setting up a Welsh Language Champions Staff Focus Group, Alun Griffiths have focussed on delivering against the objectives of the Well-being and Future Generations Act, and the “A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language” wellbeing goal.

Alun Griffiths have led the way in the Construction Industry in Wales by being:

  • The first construction company in Wales to use the “iaith gwaith” logo on their hardhats to promote the use of the Welsh language
  • The first construction company in Wales to adopt the Welsh Language Commissioners Welsh Language Promotion Plan.
  • Establishing a Welsh Language Champions Group

This commitment to the Welsh Language is why we are proud to present this award to Mandy Evans at Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd❞

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