Success Stories

Solihull Council and Ebsford Environmental: Delivering Social Value

Written by Social Value Portal | Jun 19, 2023 1:18:00 PM

Solihull Council emphasises Social Value requirements in their contracts in order to deliver benefits to the local community, working with many micro, small and medium sized organisations (MSMEs) to do this.

One small environmental contractor, Ebsford Environmental, has been leading the Social Value charge in Solihull, exceeding their commitments throughout their contracts.

We often hear that it's more difficult for SMEs to deliver Social Value because they don’t have dedicated resources, and the time it takes is just not available to them. We’ve seen it can be done, and it’s about changing the organisation's mindset.

Emma Tebbutt, Commercialisation Manager at Solihull Council

The Solihull projects

In 2017, Solihull Council identified an assortment of rivers and ponds under their jurisdiction that needed restoration and improvements. Soon enough, the Wildlife Ways project was born as a council initiative: a £16.8 million programme, with plans to open up and improve existing cycling routes, allowing wildlife to flourish and help people to walk and cycle across the borough.

Through a robust tendering process, Solihull contracted four regeneration projects to Ebsford Environmental:

  • Solihull Brooks Improvements
  • Langley Hall Park Pond Restoration
  • ‘Newts and Shoots’ Programme at Elmdon Park
  • Tudor Grange and Hillfield Park

Keen to deliver on their Social Value commitments, Ebsford Environmental set up an internal competition within the company to see who could create the most Social Value on these projects. With the whole company focused on Social Value, they exceeded what they had initially promised to deliver, and Solihull Council was extremely pleased with the result.

We often hear that it's more difficult for SMEs to deliver Social Value because they don’t have dedicated resources and the time it takes is just not available to them. We’ve seen it can be done, and it’s about changing the organisation's mindset. In many cases, like Ebsford Environmental, it’s easier to deliver Social Value because you have your whole organisation thinking and working towards providing more; it’s not just isolated into a single role. Pivoting the whole organisation to think quickly about Social Value, is a really powerful way that SMEs can be more successful. I think Ebsford Environmental's strong focus on Social Value delivery across the entire business helped them to deliver more for communities. It doesn’t take more effort, it just takes a change.

Emma Tebbutt, Commercialisation Manager, Solihull Council

Delivering Social Value in environmental contracts

The first project was Kingshurst Brook, where silt and poor water quality build-up had led to poor biodiversity. The project involved removing an existing weir and restoring the brook to its original shape, creating a meandering stream with new habitats for local wildlife. Alongside the core works, the company got involved with the council's community day to educate the public on the project so that future generations would see the advantages of taking care of the environment.

Social Value delivered: Ebsford Environmental spent over £36,000 within the local community, 7.5 times the target set in the tender, and added a total value of 16% to the local community.

The second project was Langley Hall Park Pond where pressures on the pond area were detrimental to the park's ecology, recreation and aesthetics. Ebsford Environmental hired banksmen who lived locally to work on de-silting and dredging of the pond, while staff held educational sessions within the community.

Social Value delivered: They achieved 180% of their local spending target within the community and added a total value of 25% to the local community.

The third project, ‘Newts and Shoots’ Wetland Improvements, involved improving ponds in Knowle and creating a new pond in Elmdon Nature Park. Ebsford Environmental restored three ponds and seeded over 10,000 plants, creating opportunities for wildlife, improving water quality, and increasing accessible local spaces. The team also engaged directly with the community, with local schools such as Bentley Heath Primary School visiting the ponds. Staff gave tours, teaching children about local wildlife and how to practice conservation, thereby encouraging local ownership and care of the ponds.

Social Value delivered: Ebsford Environmental provided 15 hours of educational sessions and delivered over 110% of their committed Social Value target.

The final project was Tudor Grange and Hillfield Park where they removed concrete and sediment to encourage the natural processes of the river and cut back trees and shrubs to rejuvenate the surrounding environment. The focus was again plain and simple: a better environment for locals and visitors to enjoy and ample opportunities for wildlife.

Social Value delivered: £64,871 worth of Social Value delivered, of which £54,708 was spent in the local supply chain.

Impact that delivers 10-fold

In a challenging economic climate, asking contractors to ensure Social Value is delivered on top of their core contract might seem tough. But this project demonstrates the remarkable benefits that Social Value can deliver. The work Ebsford Environmental has done will have a huge and lasting impact on both the local community, the environment, and the vegetation of the area.

There is a misconception that we are asking contractors to deliver more. Social Value isn’t about ‘what’ you deliver, it’s about coming up with better ways as to ‘how’ you deliver your contract, so that you can actually maximise the value for your community.

Emma Tebbutt, Commercialisation Manager, Solihull Council

Ebsford Environmental Project Manager Emily Farrell found that Social Value Portal was a great partner to help them monitor their progress:

Social Value Portal is very worthwhile, providing us with necessary and additional support to prove our Social Value. The team checked in on us throughout the reporting process, which helped to ensure we met our targets.

Emily Farrell, Project Manager, Ebsford Environmental