The TOM System is underpinned by extensive research, based on 17 official, accredited and publicly available government data sources, and review of over 1000 research papers. It also boasts the backing of a team of 10 economists and data analysts with 80 years of cumulative experience.
All Social Value project data also goes through our internal validation process, with around 4,000 records reviewed per year, ensuring the highest standard of credibility. We are stringent about rooting out mistakes in reporting which could result in inaccurate or inflated claims, such as double counting, misattribution, or lack of additionality.
Moreover, the widespread adoption of the TOM System across the public and private sectors over nearly a decade has allowed Social Value Portal to establish an unparalleled database of Social Value activity and insight into the most impactful measures across industries. This enables us to continually refine the TOM System based on 150,000 data points and over 10,500 projects which have been managed through our platform.